
the artist

Crestfallen is the nom de plume of Alexander Zafiropoulos.

An individualistic artist in essence, Alexander does not look on the outside world and its inhabitants for jabs of inspiration, but rather retreats in the quietude and seclusion of Spleen & Doom Library: purportedly established in 2005, Athens, Greece, SDL is a playful name-title coined for the headspace occupied by those personal experiences and thought patterns that, paired with a love for literature and poetry, compile the substratum for Crestfallen’s artistic language.

With Crestfallen, poetry always seems to come first; and during those endless inner recitations the music slowly descends and weaves gossamers around the words – it is the music that grows in the telling.

ΑΝΑΓΚΗ (Greek for “NECESSITY”) – that very word is engraved in a stone-wall of Victor Hugo’s “Notre-Dame de Paris”, and inked in one of Gustave Doré’s illustrations for E. A. Poe’s “The Raven”; and that Idea of a word, be it accordingly oppressive or liberating, is the sole driving force of Crestfallen’s works.

– Signed (as for) Crestfallen by
Goatherd (amanuénsis)

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